Blogger Birthdays

The site where you can find birthdays and add your birthday


What people are saying about Blogger Birthdays!

Terry Hull from Terra Extraneus writes:
Check out Blogger Birthdays. It’s as simple as that — a list of bloggers’ birthdays. Proof of how vain we bloggers are — we want to see our name in pixels, no matter how mundane the context. Blogger Birthdays is just three days old, and many of the top bloggers have already logged in and added their birthdays [more]

Michael Bates from BatesLine writes:
Wild Bill of Passionate America dropped out of sight after last year's Okie Blogger Bash. There was speculation about foul play, but via the prime suspect in the disappearance we learn that Wild Bill is back with a blog tracking the birthdays of bloggers. If you blog, add your name to the list!

Dawn Eden of The Dawn Patrol praises:
This is such a sweet idea. (And it's work-safe.)[link]

Sherry over in Sherryland says:
I have ran across a pretty neat blog that I want to share with y'all.
It is 'Blogger Birthdays'.
I am so jealous that I didn't think about doing this first...[more]

jelmyoung posting on the Message Board is on topic with:
Just found this cute site today. Looks like someone turned me in, it has me listed, LOL!

Stop by and submit your birthday.

As Glenn [instapundit] would say:
